Monday, August 4, 2008

Uccello - Uccello and Breughel's Structures

Ok so ive been doin some research over the past couple days, I still haven't been able to understand how or why Hejduk has used Uccello as a character in Berlin Nights so I'm just going to ignore that aspect for a while. Soooooo onto some more literal facts...

The man himself, Paolo Uccello, born Paolo di Dono (1397-1475) was an Italian artist known best for his breakthrough work on perspective.

'Uccello's wife told people that Paolo used to stay up all night in his study, trying to work out the vanishing points of his perspective, and that when she called him to come to bed he would say: "Oh what a lovely thing this perspective is!"Giorgio Vasari, The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects'

A notable point is his change of name, Uccello is in reference to his love of birds, not sure whether there can be a relation here with perspective, who knows, its a bit of a long shot me thinks. He took part in a lot of work in architecture and arts in his time which I beleive may be where this Breughel lad may come in. Another Italian painter famous for his landscape paintings of land heavily populated by peasants. unusual I know... aaaanywho hopefully this can provide me with enough info to build up a bit of a profile. Im thinkin I should avoid directly referring to Uccello himself, but to base someone around what Ucello believed in... if that makes sense... you will see!


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